Visma Net for construction, construction and contractor

The accounting engine you need with SmartDok

Visma Net is the financial engine that keeps your machinery running — so you can build the future. The solution handles all their financial processes automatically, and thanks to a tight integration with SmartDok, data can flow freely between Visma Net and SmartDok.

To personer, en kvinne med briller og lys blå skjorte og en mann i mørk blå t-skjorte, ser oppover i en profesjonell diskusjon, omgitt av en uskarp bakgrunn som antyder et lager- eller verkstedmiljø.

Connect multiple solutions

Construction, as a rule, relies on several systems having to communicate with each other. Visma Net is designed to work with other systems, such as production tracking, hour capture, spreadsheet, CRM and advanced reporting. This gives your company the flexibility to choose the systems that are right for you, but that speak to each other.

Et bilde tatt ovenfra av tre personer som sitter ved et hvitt bord i et lyst moderne kontorlandskap. De lener seg frem og diskuterer noe rundt en åpen laptop.

Some of the benefits of Visma Net

Project accounting

You get a full overview of budget, revenue, costs and changes. Hours, costs and materials are recorded on the project on an ongoing basis. The managers gain full insight into status, costs and ROI.

Invoice management and accounting

Invoices are handled in Visma Net — which takes care of all standardized needs. Full integration with Compello (also part of the Visma group) solves more advanced features, as well as handling significant volumes of transactions.

Banking Integration and Reconciliation

Of course, you get full control of both inbound and outbound transactions without logging into online banking. Visma Net is well integrated with all Norwegian banks, which allows you to handle all the processes right in the solution.


With OneStop Reporting (also an option in Visma Net), you have full control over reporting and analytics. The OneStop Reporting interface is simple and intuitive.

Who will supply your solution?

Visma Net is delivered through our partners. Our dedicated partners in construction know your industry well, and have extensive experience implementing your new ERP system.

En middelaldret mann i skjorte står ved en kontorstasjon med to skjermer som viser kodeprogrammer.


Feel free to talk to Filip Caspersen responsible for real estate and ERP. He can be contacted at