Klimarapportering i Visma Net

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ESG and sustainability reporting in Visma Net

Effective climate reporting

With the climate reporting solution in Visma Net, you can easily measure, track and reduce your company's climate footprint. The system uses the data from your ERP system to provide you with accurate and actionable reports on your climate emissions. This is what you get with the climate reporting in Visma Net:

-Full overview of the company's climate emissions, including scope 1 (direct emissions), scope 2 (energy consumption) and scope 3 (indirect emissions). The report you take out is built according to EU GHG Protocol.
-Ability to see the emissions broken down by categories such as energy, transport and procurement.
-Reports ready for use in tenders, compliance or other purposes.

Here's how it works

The solution automatically converts the transaction data from your ERP system into climate data. This gives you an overview of climate emissions from, among other things, purchases and travel. The calculations of your emissions give you a clear representation of your emissions, and in this way also where the company can reduce its climate footprint.

En middelaldret dame sitter i et lyst kontorlandskap med en åpen laptop foran seg mens hun ettertenksomt spiser et eple.

Get started quickly

You get insights into your climate data in an intuitive dashboard, and you can easily export that data to Excel or share with relevant stakeholders. This makes reporting fast and efficient, giving you the opportunity to keep track of your company's emissions over time.

Prepared for the future

While not all companies are covered by climate reporting requirements today, many will be indirectly affected through their supply chains and group reporting requirements. By adopting our climate reporting solution, you are safely rigging your business for both current and future reporting requirements.

Full overview

With climate reporting in Visma Net gives you the full overview:

  • Overview of your emissions, divided into different categories
  • Automation and easy setup allow you to have a complete overview of your climate emissions in five minutes
  • Take out reports that can be used for sustainability reporting, tenders and other purposes
  • Helps you measure your emissions, and provides advice to help you in your efforts to reduce emissions.
En ung mann bærer en sykkel opp fra en kjellerbod til gatenivå.

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