Project accounting in Visma Net

Efficient project logistics

Control the entire flow of goods, from purchase to receipt, withdrawal, assembly and sale. With multi-warehouse and project warehouse support, you also have an overview of items reserved for each project, and you see the need for assembly and procurement.

  • Project invoicing
  • Order of change
  • Tasks (associated billing and allocation rules)
  • Invoice overview per project (inbound and outbound)
  • Price lists per project
  • Project budget
  • Billing rules
  • Project Inventory
  • Project Templates
Bildet viser en person i et lager, iført hjelm og refleksvest, som håndterer pappesker. Omgivelsene er fylt med stablereoler og flere esker, noe som indikerer at personen arbeider med logistikk eller varehåndtering.

Project accounting

If your company works on complex and long-term projects, you have a lot to gain from the project accounting in Visma Net. It gives you full control over the budget, revenue and costs associated with the various projects your company has going on.

The project accounting is integrated against general ledger, general ledger, sales order, purchase order, accounts receivable, and inventory management. Thus, you always have real-time status on everything from work and services to materials and inventory items.

Bildet viser en mann som sitter ved et bord og jobber på en laptop i et kontorlandskap. I bakgrunnen er det to personer som ser ut til å samarbeide ved en whiteboard, noe som skaper en dynamisk arbeidsatmosfære.

Advanced structure for cost carriers

By defining clear cost carriers or categories for different costs, your company can accurately allocate costs for each project, giving you a realistic view of your project costs. It facilitates:

  • Accurate cost allocation
  • Better decision-making
  • Monitoring and control of costs throughout the life of the project
  • Analysis and transparency
Bildet viser en gruppe mennesker som sitter i en moderne, innendørs lounge. En kvinne i fokus har en laptop på fanget, mens andre i bakgrunnen også er engasjert i arbeid eller samtale, noe som antyder en profesjonell eller samarbeidssetting.

Project Management

In Visma Net, you can integrate the project management tool that is right for your business. In the project management tool, you can create and manage projects, assign resources, and define milestones and tasks. You get a full overview of the progress of the project and can easily keep track of the status and schedules. Ensure effective collaboration and keep your projects on track with the right tools.

Does your business make a living from selling hours?

Bildet viser en mann som står utendørs på en terrasse eller balkong, mens han holder et nettbrett. Han er kledd i en genser og ser ut til å være i en avslappet, men profesjonell situasjon, kanskje opptatt med arbeid eller lesing.

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