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Do you spend too much time on manual processes? Visma Net is the Norwegian business system that automates financial management for medium and large companies. With bespoke modules in finance, logistics, project management and HR/payroll, you get a complete solution that grows with your business.
Let the technology do the work, while focusing on what really matters.
From day one, you are integrated with Norwegian banks and authorities, such as Altinn. Make payments and matching with payments directly in the accounts, without logging into the online bank.
Build your unique ERP system in Visma Net, with the functionality and integrations that meet your company's specific needs.
The core of the finance module of Visma Net is more automation and less management. The system handles complex accounting for medium-sized Norwegian companies.
Visma Net is a Norwegian accounting program that is built to automate and streamline all processes in your financial management. It gives you time and insight to work on what really counts.
Gain control of the entire order process, from quotation orders to production and procurement, as well as full inventory management using the FIFO method. The system handles everything from simple hourly invoicing to comprehensive inventory management, and always provides you with the necessary support information during registration.
With the logistics part of Visma Net, you get a good overview with support reports that ensure punctuality and professional service.
Project accounting in Visma Net gives you full control over budget, income and costs related to the various projects your company has going on.
Thus, you always have real-time status on everything from work and services to materials and inventory items.
The project accounts are integrated against:
The payroll functionality is tightly integrated with Visma Net. The module automates and simplifies the work with payroll before the payroll manager, managers and employees.
The reporting module simplifies and automates the tasks. The solution is a flexible and robust tool, where your entire reporting needs are gathered in one place.
Discover our add-on system for anyone who bills hours in projects and who does not have stocked items or advanced logistics. It can be anything from IT, technology and technology engineering consulting to advertising and marketing.
Doesn't your business belong in any of these categories? Take a look at the various benefits below — and feel free to contact us for a chat.
Visma Net makes it easy to get started with climate reporting by converting ERP data into climate data, and offers a detailed overview of different emission types via a clear dashboard.
Bygg ditt unike ERP-system i Visma Net, med funksjonaliteten og integrasjonene som dekker bedriftens spesifikke behov.
Kjernen i finansmodulen av Visma Net er mer automatikk og mindre administrasjon. Systemet håndterer komplekse regnskap for mellomstore norske bedrifter.
Visma Net er et norsk regnskapsprogram som er bygget for å automatisere og effektivisere alle prosessene i økonomistyringen din. Det gir dere tid og oversikt til å jobbe med det som virkelig teller.
Få kontroll over hele ordreprosessen, fra tilbudsordre til produksjon og innkjøp, samt full lagerstyring etter FIFO-metoden. Systemet håndterer alt fra enkel timefakturering til omfattende lagerstyring, og gir deg alltid nødvendig støtteinformasjon under registrering.
Med logistikkdelen i Visma Net får du god oversikt med støtterapporter som sikrer punktlighet og profesjonell service.
Prosjektregnskap i Visma Net gir deg full kontroll på budsjett, inntekter og kostnader knyttet til de ulike prosjektene bedriften din har gående.
Dermed har du alltid status i sanntid på alt fra arbeid og tjenester til materialer og lagerartikler.
Prosjektregnskapet er integrert mot:
Lønnsfunksjonaliteten er tett integrert med Visma Net. Modulen automatiserer og forenkler arbeidet med lønn før lønnsansvarlig, ledere og medarbeidere.
Rapporteringsmodulen forenkler og automatiserer oppgavene. Løsningen er et fleksibelt og robust verktøy, hvor hele ditt rapporteringsbehov er samlet på ett sted.
Oppdag vårt tilleggssystem for alle som fakturerer timer i prosjekter, og som ikke har lagerførte varer eller avansert logistikk. Det kan være alt fra IT, teknologi og teknologiteknisk konsulentvirksomhet til reklame og markedsføring.
Hører ikke bedriften din hjemme i noen av disse kategoriene? Ta likevel en titt på de ulike fordelene under – og kontakt oss gjerne for en prat.
Visma Net gjør det enkelt å starte med klimarapportering ved å konvertere ERP-data til klimadata, og tilbyr en detaljert oversikt over ulike utslippstyper via et oversiktlig dashboard.
Bruker du for mye tid på manuelle prosesser? Visma Net er det norske forretningssystemet som automatiserer økonomistyringen for mellomstore og store bedrifter. Med skreddersydde moduler innen økonomi, logistikk, prosjektstyring og HR/lønn, får du en komplett løsning som vokser med bedriften din.
La teknologien gjøre jobben, mens du fokuserer på det som virkelig betyr noe.
Fra dag én er du integrert med norske banker og myndigheter, som Altinn. Gjør utbetalinger og matching med innbetalinger direkte i regnskapet, uten å logge inn i nettbanken.
When you subscribe to Visma Net, the system is delivered in cooperation with Visma certified partners. Your partner helps you with everything from solution architecture, implementation and integrations. They also offer the best support deals, which include app support, follow-up and consulting, among other things.
Changing your ERP system is comprehensive, but take it easy — we'll help you through every step of the way. With the right partner on the team, you can quickly transition to your new web-based ERP system.
In short, the ERP system Visma Net is suitable for those who want to standardize in finance and logistics, and keep specialized solutions out of the box. Business NXT is an ERP system suitable for large enterprises with high transaction volume and even greater demands on performance and power.
As a customer, you get access to our unique learning environment — free of charge!
The learning universe is your ticket to success. You will have access to concise, theme-based and engaging courses, with topics that are relevant to you.
By following a tailor-made learning plan, both you and your employees will get to know Visma Net in a simple, effective and motivating way.
We understand that it can be challenging to learn new systems. That's why we offer help in real time, inside the system. Step-by-step guides will guide you through the processes, and help you streamline your everyday life.
In addition, you will receive notifications about updates and new functionality, so you always work with the latest version of the system.
Do you need assistance or answers to questions? Visma Net has a KI chatbot available 24 hours a day, so you can get help when you need it. 8 out of 10 support requests are now resolved by KI.
Between 09:00 — 15:00 you can also chat directly with our product experts or your Visma partner. We are here to make sure you always have the support you need.
We have a comprehensive knowledge center with news, user tips and expert articles on all products. Our advanced KI chatbot will guide you to exactly the information you need and answer all your questions in a fast and precise manner.
Do you have any questions or do you want a demo of the solution?